We currently live in a world of constant conditioning. We are taught to seek better circumstances. To worry about what others think of us. With so much on our plate all the time, it’s easy to feel constantly agitated, no longer enjoying the things we used to do, or the people around us. Where is the beauty in that?
When we stop ‘doing’ and discover how to just ‘be’, we allow ourselves much-needed time and space to think about and really listen to our choice. Through conscious living we create a positive space with a reassuring absence of judgement. Giving ourselves permission to put down our shoulds, and live beautifully, in the here and now.
Join us for our fantastic wellbeing evening:
L I V I N G – L I F E – B E A U T I F U L L Y
Enjoy a delicious 2 course meal followed by our Living Beautifully talk by our speaker Vicky Kelly (Butterfly Effect Coaching)
Tuesday 9th July, 7pm
The Squeeze, 1 Rectory Grove, Leigh-On-Sea, SS9 2HB
£15 per ticket Strider price
(£25 Non Striders)
To book your place please email [email protected] – Payment taken the usual way!
We want to help you make changes
Give us a call to get yourself booked in!
07967 705547