Ready to feel “More Me” again?
Join “More Me”and we’ll help guide and support you to feeling more like YOU again!
Do you often feel like you are running on empty?
You know where you want to be but just can’t seem to get yourself back on track?
Do you see this in you?
When you prioritise everything and everyone else, a feeling of emptiness is created. Constantly giving to others and seldom to yourself.
“More Me” is designed to tackle just that.
By taking time for you (just 15 minutes most days!) you are better placed physically & mentally to experience life at its best, and to support others around you. Time to feel fulfilled, happy and strong. Without resentment. How does that sound?
Learn how to enjoy a multi-dimensional and more balanced way of life. Our simple steps will help you to prioritise the time you need to become proactive & positive, less angry and reactive. Learning how to plan and organise your week with YOU as a priority.
Life is busy, there’s never enough time….But isn’t this how you got in to this rut in the first place? This time, time is no excuse – you can start to feel “More Me” in just 15 minutes most days, surely you are worth that?
This isn’t a fad or a quick fix, “More Me” is a change to lifestyle that will gently guide you to where you are meant to be!
What you will learn
The four essential elements to make your life happier & healthier…

Our Stride technique is designed to slot in to your daily life – we’ll teach you how to move well straight from your front door!
Through our Body & Mind course (offered in weeks 1-4 of your membership) we’ll apply pilates and yoga to your walking style – we call it our Stride Technique – to reduce pain (and stress) and improve your energy.
In weeks 4-8 we’ll move on to our second course, Courage & Strength, where we’ll progress to gentle standing, strength and stretch style exercises to free the body and mind.
You will begin to use the Stride technique to support, move and nourish your body during daily activities so that, eventually, it all becomes second nature. Your body becomes stronger and fitter and you feel more confident, healthy and happy. You learn to be free of bad habits, restoring co-ordination and ease of movement.
With time to enjoy moving well (you feel like you’re gliding!) you will combine escaping by yourself with joining us and others for our Stride Live sessions via Facebook. We also have the option to join our local Stride sessions too!
With flexible and easy ways to move, you’ll feel the benefits of being in tune with your body and learn how to take care of yourself in a way you never have before.

Learn to live in a way that is true to your inner self using the simple, golden rule: to treat others how we would want to be treated ourselves. With Love: Gratitude, Gentleness & Responsibility
We will explore why we find it so difficult to invest or prioritise ourselves due to our fundamental hurdle as women with our tend to be carers. We measure our worth by how much we take care of others, but by suppressing our own needs and choices we risk becoming vulnerable on many levels as a result. For example we’re more likely to become ill, unhappy or stressed. And perhaps worst still, we showcase this as being ok for our children or loved ones around us. A model that it is ok to live like this, accepted with no choice.
As part of your on-going membership, we will guide you through our courses on; Honesty & Acceptance, Courage & Trust, Humility & Peace and Love, Joy & Kindness, to outline daily ways of Living with Love, taking care of yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually. You’ll learn how to replace synthetic, external success (material things, or success for other people) with internal success from within. You’ll feel fulfilled and content, and lose that feeling of always searching for a new “thing”
With this new framework of mindset principals you’ll be able to look at your life through a different lens – the same life but with different filter!

Permission to prioritise guilt-free time to rest – to become a stronger, more resilient person by resting just 10-15 mins most days.
The benefits of this time are rapid (instant usually!) and will help you engage with the other elements of health & happiness.
Our rest experiences including breathing exercises to creating stillness or a stroll with this as a focus.
How you’ll be supported
Ready to discover more?
Here’s what our happy clients had to say about our services!

“I’d completely lost sight of the girl I saw staring back at me – “More Me” was like a light to guide be back, learning how to be “Katie” again – exciting, bubbly, fun and outgoing! My fitness has improved and I can now control my emotions so much better, I use the Stride techniques every day to overcome even little things.
I’m so grateful to Karen and her team, I love life a lot more now, everything is bright again, colourful and that’s all down to Stride and the “More Me!” program”

“Not only have I achieved increased fitness and flexibility but I love the structure – weekly tasks and ideas to focus both my mental and physical health. I have lower stress levels, more confidence, a lift in my energy and mood. My anxiety has reduced and I feel a greater hope for the future.”
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