Ongoing Monthly Membership
Following the completion of our 3 Online Courses:
Course 1: Body & Mind
Course 2: Strength & Courage
Course 3: Joy & Longevity
We’ll invite you as a “More Me” Member to join us on our closed Facebook “More Me Membership” group. Our ongoing membership will support you through life’s ongoing demands and changes.
This is the ongoing forever support – the “maintenance stage”
We give you:
• Mindset experiences specialised (often from Specialised Consultants) to continue to be you
• Emotional technical skills for changing life situations
• Life event tips to continue to look after yourself physically
• Events (escape weekends and day trips) to up to date you with up new
• prescriptive material
What you will feel like:
• Fulfilled – being part of strong community of liked mind people to support you to be you
• Happy with Self purpose to continue support others
• To continue to adapt your story as you move into other life circumstances
• Ongoing connections fulfilling you with the good stuff
• Upgrading and updating to continue being you, and to discover future versions of yourself as life changes
Please contact us to register your interest!
“More Me” will leave you feeling fulfilled and recharged, so you can be the best version of you!
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