Alex Filtness (Coach)
Alex has grown up with Stride, she began attending our Mum and Daughter Stride sessions from as young as 12 years old! After a break to complete her studies followed by employment within recruitment she quickly realised that being confined to the traditional office based way of working wasn’t for her; She was drawn back to the outdoors and the benefits and flexibility of Stride, this time as a Coach rather than as a Strider.
Alex’s journey with Stride
“I am excited to come to Stride to represent the younger demographic, with my new session “Stride20” specifically designed for 16-25 year olds. Having benefitted from Stride during these years myself, I recognise the importance of support for those going through their teens and early 20’s – these can be tough years! Stride20 provides all the benefits of our group Stride alongside social opportunities and friendships away from the pressures of school, college and work. I feel passionate about encouraging young people to slow down and connect, and I have loved to see how using Stride techniques in their daily lives has helped to manage stress, improve fitness and build upon their resilience and confidence. As a Stride coach I also personally get the benefit from the techniques I teach!
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