Tracy White (Coach)
Tracy has been with us as a coach for 5 years, running sessions in Thurrock, Brentwood and Upminster. A bit of a party animal on the quiet, Tracy is herself into healthy eating, living and fitness. With a background in office-based business Tracy now loves her new lifestyle of getting out into the fresh air and helping people making changes to get them feeling better than ever . In her spare time Tracy is a keen tennis player but as the sessions in Thurrock get busier and busier we aren’t sure how much time she’ll have to get on that court!
Tracy’s journey to becoming a Stride Coach
“I became a Simply Stride Coach after being a Strider for a couple of years and I grew to love the technique and the benefits that came with it. It was a choice that I soon realised was the right one when the training started.
We had a complete and detailed training course with lots of practical experiences and it created a very well rounded and thorough knowledge of the Stride technique and a great confidence in dealing with the clients and all their individual needs.
SS brings a great sense of achievement to see the brilliant results within the Striders sometimes even before they can! Working for SS is a unique opportunity to do a job that enables me to have flexible working hours, a great hourly rate of pay and to work within fabulous parts of the country. This contrasts so much to working for a large corporation especially to be able to work outside and not to be restricted to within and office or building.
Coaching SS makes me feel like I am making a change for the better to all my Striders. My Striders openly enjoy the sessions, make lots of good friends and improve physically and mentally in quite a short space of time. Many Striders grow in confidence also in a very short space of time.
SS takes the working environment and ethics very seriously. All the Stride coaches are treated with great respect and encouraged to grow as competent coaches with regular updates in the coaching techniques. The importance of respect and empathy to all our Striders is passed onto the coaches too.
SS makes me think differently because I can see the changes that it brings and I now believe that everyone can improve in many ways and feel great about themselves. As a Stride coach the job brings such a great sense of achievement on many levels and therefore keeps the passion alive and the desire to improve all the time.
If I were no longer a part of SS I would have a huge hole in my life and would probably feel the need to help in the community in some way to try to improve the quality of life wherever I could.
Since joining SS I have grown in lots of ways mainly in confidence, dedication, commitment and empathy towards anyone who is having a struggle in their lives.
My Striders bring lots of things to me. They bring job satisfaction, commitment, empathy along with lots of laughter and friendship. Our regular groups are on-going and it is wonderful to see how complete strangers become best friends with the desire to improve their mind and body and to also feel like part of a new family!
The SS team give me support, encouragement and confidence. They feel like family now and I know I can go to them with any problems I might have. They have taught me how to communicate better and they have given me the opportunity to work in a very rewarding environment.
Would I change anything? Nothing apart from maybe more SS meetings as we always love to all get together!”
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